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A Message From Our Principal


August 5, 2020

First Day of School - Monday, August 17, 2020 Hello Holy Name Families, We are very excited about welcoming our students back to school on August 17th! Recently we sent out a survey to our parents/guardians for input in choice of instruction for their children. These plans will be addressed in this newsletter. Integration Plan for Week 1 (August 17 through August 21) - Distance Learning for ALL Students will not be on campus the first week of school. However, all students will zoom in with their teacher at the beginning of the school day at 7:50 am. The first week of school will be utilized for teachers to host small group orientation sessions throughout the school day with a small group of students and parents on campus. These sessions will serve as "Meet the Teacher" time and students attending on-campus instruction will be able to bring in their school supplies. It is recommended that students bring their school supplies in a crate which will serve as their personal classroom cubby for supplies and other materials. Students on the Synchronous and Asynchronous instructional models will also get an opportunity to "Meet the Teacher" during this week, but will not bring in school supplies until they return to campus at a later date. These students will be able to take their textbooks home with them for use at home. The orientation sessions will provide families with the following information:

  • introduce students and parents to our new on-line Learning Management System (itsLearning). This system will be used for students participating in the Synchronous Remote Instruction which is a two-way, real-time, live instruction between students and teachers through an electronic device (laptop or chromebook). It will also be used for in-school and homework assignments to encourage a paperless environment as much as possible.

  • review in-school COVID-19 safety procedures and protocols. All PK-8th grade students, staff and visitors will be required to wear a mask/face covering at all times and go through a temperature check upon arrival on campus. Bandanas will not be allowed as a face covering for students and staff.

  • provide students and parents with daily schedules

  • review student and parent expectations for all students

  • beginning of the year NWEA testing for all students

  • mass schedules for students only

Full Integration Plan Beginning Week 2 (August 24th) Full time and part time students will begin on campus. Synchronous students will continue with remote learning at scheduled times throughout the day. Asynchronous students will continue with self-paced learning for the entire school year with only one zoom session a week with a teacher.

Our Faith Community

In order to remain within acceptable capacity and practice social distancing, only 45 people will be allowed in the church at one time. Therefore, only students and teachers will be allowed to attend the school masses on Fridays until further notice. Mass will be held every Friday at 8:30 am. As more students return to campus, a mass schedule will be created with assigned grade levels, while other students attend virtually. Everyone will be required to wear a face mask/covering and wear it for the duration of Mass. This includes the priest during Communion, altar servers and lectors. Sanitizers will be available for use upon entering the church. Temperature checks will also be taken prior to entering the church. All pews and restrooms will be sanitized after every Mass. Students will be seated 6 ft apart in alternating rows at the front of the church. One student will be designated to do the First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and Prayers of the Faithful as to not have multiple people using the microphone. Holy Communion will be received in hands only. At the Sign of Peace, the faithful are asked to greet each other with a simple head bow, or some other gesture or greeting while maintaining the required 6 ft distance. Altar servers will not be utilized at this time. All hymnals and missals have been removed from the church. Holy water fonts will remain empty.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures (PK-8th Grade) Arrival time for students will begin at 7:15 am. Students will go through a temperature check as they get out of their car and the parent will answer a three-question COVID questionnaire before leaving the drop-off area. Due to safety precautions, parents will not be allowed to get off their vehicles and walk their children to class. Students must be in the classroom by 7:50 am to be counted as on-time. Any students entering classrooms after 7:50 am will be marked tardy. School personnel will be available to escort students to their classrooms. Beginning at 7:15 am, cars should enter through the gate closet to the playground on Kate Schenck. For the first week of school only, parents of PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten students will be allowed to park in the front parking lot and walk their children to their classroom door to facilitate a smooth transition to school. PK3 and PK4 have been relocated into the Elementary Building. School personnel will be available to escort students to their classrooms. · After Week 1 students in grades PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten will be dropped off in the back side of the Elementary building nearest to the Activity Center where an Instructional Assistant will escort them to the classroom. · Students in grades 1-5 will be dropped off in the front of the building under the awning. · Students in grades 6-8 will be dropped off in the back side building between the Activity Center and the Middle School building. Please cooperate with traffic control personnel (Coach Lopez). Dismissal Procedures (PK-8th Grade) Beginning at 2:45 pm, cars should enter through the gate closet to the playground on Kate Schenck. · PK3 and PK4 classes will dismiss from the back of the Elementary building at 2:45 p.m. · Kindergarten and 1st grade classes will dismiss from the back of the Elementary building at 3:00 p.m. · 2nd and 3rd grade classes will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 2:50 p.m. · 4th and 5th grade classes will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 3:00 p.m. · 6th Grade class will dismiss from the back of the Middle School building at 3:20 p.m. · 7th Grade class will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 3:25 p.m. · 8th Grade class will dismiss from the back of the Middle School building at 3:30 p.m. Parents/guardians and those who pick up students will need to make arrangements to visit each dismissal site necessary to collect their children. Students picked up late will be taken to the After School Care and a fee will be charged.


Students are required to bring a sack lunch. Hot lunch catering will not be available until further notice. Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria. Tables and chairs will be sanitized after every lunch. Students will be seated 6 ft apart. Microwaves will not be available to students. PK-Kinder will be eating in the classrooms. Mid-day temperature checks will be taken as students enter the cafeteria.


Physical Education: Students will be going to PE everyday. A Health lesson will be provided once a week. Music: Students will be going to music once a week. At the present time, singing is not recommended. Students will be learning Music Appreciation. Library: The librarian will provide services to the students in the classroom. Students will be able to check out books on-line through the San Antonio Library with the assistance from the Librarian. Guidance: The School Counselor will be providing guidance lessons weekly for all grade levels.


At the present time, Holy Name will not be partnering with St. Gerard Middle and High School until further notice. We are currently waiting for Archdiocese guidance in Athletics for our Middle School. Coach Lopez will send out an email to all 5-8th grade parents with information regarding Fall Athletics.

After School Care Program

After school care will be available from 2:45 to 5:30 pm. Monthly Fees: 1 Child $130.00 2 Children $165.00 3 Children $200.00 4 Children $235.00 Early Dismissal Days: Per Day Per Child $15.00 No Drop-In service until further notice due to social distancing requirements.

Staff: Pastor - Reverend Martin F. Parayno Principal - Susie Garza VP/Academic Coordinator - Jennifer Sisk Counselor - Sarah Waltz Athletic Director/PE Teacher - Roger Lopez Administrative Assistant - Judy Sumner Bookkeeper - MaryAnn Munoz Health Coordinator - Judy Sumner Service Hours (parents & students) - Judy Sumner Library Manager - Rhonda Lindsey Music - Terri Jarzombek 3K - Adriana Molina 4K - Shannon Gibbons 3K & 4K Aide - Susanne Watson Kindergarten - Raul Mampang Kindergarten Aide - Megan Jacobson 1st Grade - Kristina Garcia 2nd Grade - Noel Quiambao 3rd Grade - Margaret Salazar 4th Grade - Nelly Ranara 5th Grade - Monica Rodriguez 6-8 Reading/Religion/Confirmation - Gina Rea 6-8 English/Social Studies - Amber Martinez 6-8 Math/Science - Vacancy Distance Learning Monitor - Lisa Sanchez PE Instructional Assistant - Athena Limon-Sanchez After School Care/Religious Coordinator - Mary Rodriguez

Newly Updated Archdiocesan School Policies as of July 28, 2020 per Superintendent Letter

Archdiocesan safety protocols -- aligned to recommended Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines -- have been established to include:

  • Physical Distancing

  • Masks to be worn at all times except for recess/PE sessions, at which times physical

distancing protocols will be maintained.

  • Screening Process

- Students and visitors will answer screening questions before they are allowed onto campus. Students and visitors will have temperature checks. - Greatly restricting access onto campus, which will especially impact visitors and volunteers.

  • Facilities will be regularly and frequently cleaned and disinfected in a professional




Holy Name Catholic School

Here at Holy Name, we strive for Academic Excellence with our inclusion of Religion.  Our staff is made up of the longevity of teachers with an average of 10 years teaching within the Archdiocese Schools.


This school is made up of a community of families that engage together to create a Christ-like environment.  Parishioners and volunteers diligently strive to support this community.  


One school. One faith.  One community.

Quick Links


Phone: 210-333-7356

Address: 3814 Nash Boulevard

San Antonio, TX 78223

© Copyright Holy Name Catholic School San Antonio, Texas
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