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Preparations for Return to School


A Message From the Principal August 12, 2020 First Week of School Hello students and parents! We are excited to begin our new school year next week! Teachers have been preparing to welcome all students back to school either face-to-face or virtually.

  • Just a reminder that the first week of school beginning Monday, August 17, 2020 will be virtual learning for all students. Student/parent Orientation Sessions will be held this week.

  • Face-to-face instruction on campus will begin the second week of school, Monday, August 24, 2020 for those students who selected Full Time In-School Attendance and Part-Time Digital. All other students will continue with virtual learning.

Orientation Sessions Teachers will be contacting all parents this week to schedule on-campus Orientation Sessions for students and parents. These Orientation Sessions will also serve as our "Meet the Teacher" event.

  • Textbooks will be checked out to virtual learning students during these sessions.

  • Class schedules with zoom times will be provided at the Orientation Session.

  • These small group sessions will be offered at different scheduled times throughout the day to accommodate for COVID-19 safety procedures.

  • Please be on the look out for a phone call or an email from your child's teacher.

  • Face masks are required for everyone on campus.

School Supplies

  • On-campus students can bring their school supplies at their scheduled Orientation Session. It is recommended that they bring school supplies in a crate, which will be used as a personal cubby.

  • Virtual learning students may keep their school supplies at home to use for activities and assignments. Students may bring their school supplies to school when they return for on-campus instruction.

Technology Devices

  • Students who are attending school virtually will need access to a device. Parents may choose to buy their child a device or may borrow one from the school at no charge. Parents will be asked to sign a form agreeing that the device will be returned in good working condition or replaced if damaged.

  • Students who are attending face-to-face on campus will be assigned a device to use on campus.This device will remain at school and will be assigned only to your child for the entire school year. Students will also need access to a device at home, as they may be assigned virtual homework.

  • Students may bring their own device to school and take home at the end of the day for homework assignments.

  • Parents have an option to "rent-to-own "chrome books for a small fee of $25.00 per month.

  • I-pads are acceptable to use with the itsLearning system, if that is the device available at home. However, a chrome book or laptop is the recommended device.

  • Devices used for virtual learning require a webcam so that students can zoom into the classroom for instruction.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

  • For safety purposes, only drive-through drop-off and pick-ups will be allowed. We ask that parents remain in their vehicles to avoid crowding and follow safety COVID-19 protocols.

  • Student supervision will begin at 7:15 am. Supervision will not be available prior to 7:15.

  • Temp checks and COVID screening questions will be taken at each drop-off location. Please allow time for these checks as they may cause a small delay during drop-offs.

Arrival Procedures (PK-8th Grade) Beginning at 7:15 am, cars should enter through the gate closest to the playground on Kate Schenck.

For the first week of school only, parents of PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten students will be allowed to park in the front parking lot and walk their children to their classroom door to facilitate a smooth transition to school. PK3 and PK4 have been relocated into the Elementary Building. School personnel will be available to escort students to their classrooms. · After Week 1 students in grades PK3, PK4, and Kindergarten will be dropped off in the back side of the Elementary building nearest to the Activity Center where an Instructional Assistant will escort them to the classroom. · Students in grades 1-5 will be dropped off in the front of the building under the awning. · Students in grades 6-8 will be dropped off in the back side building between the Activity Center and the Middle School building. Please cooperate with traffic control personnel (Coach Lopez). Dismissal Procedures (PK-8th Grade) Beginning at 2:45 pm, cars should enter through the gate closest to the playground on Kate Schenck. · PK3 and PK4 classes will dismiss from the back of the Elementary building at 2:45 p.m. · Kindergarten and 1st grade will dismiss from the back of the Elementary building at 3:00 p.m. · 2nd and 3rd grade classes will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 2:50 p.m. · 4th and 5th grade classes will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 3:00 p.m. · 6th Grade class will dismiss from the back of the Middle School building at 3:20 p.m. · 7th Grade class will dismiss from the front of the building under the awning at 3:25 p.m. · 8th Grade class will dismiss from the back of the Middle School building at 3:30 p.m. Parents/guardians and those who pick up students will need to make arrangements to visit each dismissal site necessary to collect their children. Students picked up late will be taken to the After School Care and a fee will be charged. After school care will be available from 2:45 to 5:30 pm. Monthly Fees 1 Child $130.00 2 Children $165.00 3 Children $200.00 4 Children $235.00 Early Dismissal Days: Per Day Per Child $15.00 No Drop-In service until further notice due to social distancing requirements. Breakfast/Lunch

  • Catering will not be available at this time. Students are required to bring breakfast and a sack lunch.

  • Students will be eating lunch in the cafeteria. Tables and chairs will be sanitized after every lunch. Students will be seated 6 ft apart. Microwaves will not be available to students.

  • Mid-day temperature checks will be taken as students enter the cafeteria.

  • PK-Kinder will be eating in the classrooms.

  • For safety reasons, we are asking that parents not drop-off food for lunch.


  • If you have not completed registration, please do so as soon as possible.

  • If you are unsure that your registration application is complete, please contact Mrs. Munoz at 210-333-7356

Middle School News The 6-8th grade Math and Science position has been filled. This teacher will be contacting Middle School parents this week to schedule an Orientation Session for next week.



Holy Name Catholic School

Here at Holy Name, we strive for Academic Excellence with our inclusion of Religion.  Our staff is made up of the longevity of teachers with an average of 10 years teaching within the Archdiocese Schools.


This school is made up of a community of families that engage together to create a Christ-like environment.  Parishioners and volunteers diligently strive to support this community.  


One school. One faith.  One community.

Quick Links


Phone: 210-333-7356

Address: 3814 Nash Boulevard

San Antonio, TX 78223

© Copyright Holy Name Catholic School San Antonio, Texas
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